Note: On the first day of the 22nd National Neuroscience Congress (Tuesday, September 3, 2024), four different courses will be held. The names of these courses, instructors, duration, capacity, and explanatory information are provided below. The seminar hall and laboratory locations where the courses will be held will be announced separately. The courses are paid (2000 TL + VAT / course) and are not included in the registration fee.
Content: Primary neuron culture, primary astrocyte culture, neuron-differentiated cell cultures, brain organotypic slice culture
Course Plan: Lectures + Teaching with Visuals and Videos
Capacity: 25 people
Duration: Full Day Location: Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Avcilar Campus
Instructors: Duygu Gezen-Ak, Merve Alaylıoğlu, Büşra Şengül Yediel
Content: Protein interaction analyses, immunoprecipitation (IP), co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP), chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP), Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Course Plan: Lectures + Teaching with Visuals and Videos
Capacity: 25 people
Duration: Full Day Location: Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Avcilar Campus
Instructors: Erdinç Dursun, Murat Kasap, Tugay Çamoğlu, Zuhal Yurttaş
Content: Difference between genotyping and sequencing. CNV (copy number variation) and linkage analysis with genotype data, homozygosity mapping. Next-generation sequencing approaches (Whole Genome Sequencing -WGS-, Whole Exome Sequencing -WES-, Clinical Exome Sequencing -CES-, RNA Sequencing). Variant detection and functional genomics (in vitro-in vivo) modeling. Microbiome analysis.
Course Plan: Lectures + Interactive group work with visual teaching
Capacity: 25 people
Duration: Full Day
Location: Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Avcilar Campus
Instructors: Emrah Yücesan, İlker Karacan, Seda Süsgün, Ömer Faruk Düzenli
Content: Quantitative volume and cortical thickness analyses in structural images, task design and analysis methods for task-based functional MRI measurements, functional connectivity analyses
Course Plan: Theoretical explanation and demonstration of methods on a computer
Capacity: 25 people
Duration: Full Day
Location: Istanbul University Aziz Sancar Institute of Experimental Medicine, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sevim Büyükdevrim Library, Vakıf Gureba Cad. Çapa Campus 34093 Fatih / ISTANBUL
Instructors: Ali Bayram, Çiğdem Ulaşoğlu Yıldız, Elif Kurt, Ulaş Ay, Emre Harı
Content: Theoretical section: Explanation of basic concepts and terms related to anatomy, macroscopic classification of the nervous system, basic parts and structures. Application part: Demonstration of the subjects explained in the theoretical part in models and specimens.
Course Plan: After the theoretical lessons, the basic structures of the nervous system will be shown to the participants on brain sections and models and the participants will be given practice.
Capacity: 25 people
Duration: Full Day
Location: IUC Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Cerrahpaşa Campus Basic Medical Sciences Building B Block Anatomy Dissection Hall
Instructors: Mehmet Üzel, Buşra Yıldız, Ekin Kartal
Context: Chemogenetics is the manipulation of neuronal activity using genetically engineered receptors or ion channels and selective ligands that activate these receptors. G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) were involved in the early stages of chemogenetic development, with the first papers describing GPCRs that respond only to synthetic ligands appearing in the late 1990s. More recently, Designer Receptors Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDS) have been developed. The first of these are mutated human muscarinic receptors activated only by inert ligands. Several proteins such as kinases, non-kinase enzymes, G-protein-coupled receptors, and ligand-gated ion channels have been engineered as chemogenetic.
Quota: 15 people
Duration: 03-09-2024, 1 full day
Location: Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Avcilar Campus
Educators: Filiz Onat, Nihan Çarçak Yılmaz, Özge Gündüz Çınar
Course Objectives: To understand the basic principles of chemogenetics and compare them with optogenetics. To learn about various chemogenetic tools and their applications in neuroscience. To gain experience in designing an experiment using chemogenetic techniques.